So Really, What is World Hunger?

World Hunger is when there is extreme poverty. It is hunger aggregated to the world level as well as a strong desire or craving for food in countries due to scarcity of food. The related technical term for world hunger is malnutrition. Malnutrition is the condition that results by an unbalanced diet. In other words, it is when your body does not get the correct amount of nutrients that it needs in order to stay healthy.

Since the amount of food companies and restaurants have increased, many people take the availability of food for granted. Look at it in this way, all I see being created are malls, malls and even more malls! Which leads to restaurants, restaurants and even more restaurants! Therefore, we see food almost everywhere, meaning we are so surrounded by food that we do not think about how others are living un-fed or under-fed somewhere else in the world. People nowadays do not think about how the food they leave uneaten could save a life or even lives, how just one donation could lead to a pure smile on a thankful stranger's face.

Did You Know?

  • 50 million children die of hunger each year.
  • One-third of the world is well-fed, one-third is under-fed and one-third is starving.
  • Nearly half of the world;'s hungry people are in the Indian subcontinent, Africa and the rest of Asia in total have about 40%, and the remaining people who suffer from starvation are in Latin America and other parts of the world.
  • Malnutrition is a reason for over half children's deaths worldwide today.
  • 183 million children are underweight.
  • Every 3.6 seconds someone dies of world hunger.
  • One-sixth of humanity (over 1.02 billion people) does not have enough to eat.

Let's compare a little..

Having a mini food fight, while the child in the other image begs for food.
(& to make it even worse, it looks like the man is ignoring him)

Fighting with food, fighting for food.

A child dies of starvation while a man eats more than what he needs.

A child asks for more of what he already has, while a school of students in Sudan starve.

See the difference?



Many celebrities such as Drew Barrymore, Dido, Joel Madden, Good Charlotte and Christina Aguilera are supporters of putting an end to world hunger. Drew Barrymore travelled to Kenya and helped children that suffer from starvation (learnmore). Christina Aguilera also helps out with ending world hunger (click on the image at the top right of this blog page).

Estimated by The World Health Organization, approximately 4 million people will die of starvation this year, care to change that?
If so, please visit the following websites of organizations here in Kuwait:

1.) KRCS
2.) ZakatHouse
3.) UNDP

Please donate and make a change!